About me

My spiritual journey started decades ago alongside my studies as opera singer and voice teacher in Denmark and in New York.

The deeper I went with my vocal studies, the more apparent it became, that emotions and blockages kept me from expressing my-self in the way I so desired. 

A frequency of light spins it’s song
in each of us like the fragrance of a

In search for support to help deal with my personal issues, and in order to assist my voice students and clients with their blockages, I was fortunate to meet Lyra and Cé Änn, with whom I have studied and worked for more than 27 years (see links below). 

Energy Medicine training

I have guided and worked with many people over the years using Intuitive Guidance and Energy Balancing Sessions using singning bowls, guided shamanistic journey and other spiritual and musical tools. A game changer happened, when I tumbled over the Eileen Day McKusicks Tuning Forks and applied their magic to my tools and clients!

I was amazed by the power and possibilities for assisting clients in their healing process using the acoustic Tuning Forks. I completed a foundations’s class and moved straight on to Practitioners training to deepen and broaden my understanding and ways to work with Tuning Forks. 

I graduated in May 2022 and I am the very first Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner in Scandinavia.

I have studied Eden Energy Medicine since 2018 and became a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner spring 2023.

The dephts of the Eden Method is both profound and life changing in all ways! The power and healing that is possible with the EEM keeps astonishing me AND the beauty is that it empowers each client to continue taking care of their energy systems long after sessions.


Sacred Ceremonies

The guidance offered with Sacred Ceremonies – Private sessions, Ceremonies/Meditation and vocal training – is a culmination of more than 30 years of vocal & spiritual training, studies with Biofield Tuning, Eden Energy Medicine, as well as many years as, voice- and music teacher in the US, France and Denmark.

I am deeply grateful and excited to be able to share the work, the inspiration and allowance I have received over the years of how to walk a path of self-discovery. Ultimately a pathway for greater freedom, balance and power within.

Unifying the energy bodies with The higher self  to The I AM presence and the universe is a way to sit in the Seat of the Soul*, thereby being able to hear the unique song each of our souls has to offer to all of creation. This is what we came here to do. 

Private sessions can be held in both Danish, English and/or French. Possibility for sessions in person or as remote sessions.


Life is a beautiful mystery and the moment is Now.


Sacred Ceremonies

A frequency of light spins it’s song in each of us like the fragrance of a flower.

Recognizing and remembering each our individual song connects us to our soul and the soul’s purpose.

Sacred Ceremonies is a way to (re)connect to nature, to the universe(s) and to one’s soul. The ceremonies function as a bridge between the world of the mundane and the one of infinite spirit in which it becomes possible  to transcend the physical opening our hearts, minds and bodies to align with the deeper and higher consciousness.

Sacred circles, like Moon circles or Solstices and Equinox celebrations, are ways to tune into the seasons and cycles of the year. 

Sacred circles assists us in moving deeper, forward, releasing and/or seeding of the new – a celebration of where we have been up to now – listening to where we need to go – and allowing the mystery of the unknown to vibrate in the gap between the two.


Meditation is a gentle way to focus our awareness into the presence, moving from external realities into inner guidance.

The body is the instrument of the soul (*) and we are the musicians tuning our bodies when aligning the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies with our higher selves. Moving away from mental and emotional spinning into quietness, an opening of the heart can take place, allowing space for our souls to be both felt and heard.
This is known as Heart Coherence.

In guided mediations, I use Tibetan singing bowls, Clear Quartz Crystal instruments, drumming, rattles and sounds and languages of light as ways to deepen into transcended states of consciousness.

There is no “one right way” to meditate.  Listening to music or being by the ocean can be just as powerful as sitting quietly. Finding one’s unique way of how to create the space, in which it is possible to center and ground one-self into the Now – into the present moment – is an exploration and a journey in it-self.


Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is a powerful sound therapy and way to balance stress in and around the body. 

Biofield refers to both the magnetic field around the body and the electrical current of energy that runs through it.

Combined, called the Biofield – holds all information about each human being.
Information best described as ex. memories, stress, love and fears (past/future)  as “sitting” in the field.


“All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as “dissonance” in our electrical system.

Biofield Tuning is able to locate, dimish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.” (Biofield Tuning.com)

For more information clic here

Eden Energy Medicine

“Raising the vibration of the planet – one person at a time” lies deep in the heart of Donna Eden, Founder of Eden Energy Medicine.

Energy Medicine is a new field with ancient roots.
It builds not only on what is known in Western Science and medicine, it also draws heavily from Eastern health practices and disciplines such as acupuncture, yoga and qi-gong.

Energy Medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help.

Energy Medicine can address physical illness and emotional disorders and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance. By learning simple energy techniques, you can improve your health, sharpen your mind, and increase your joy and vitality.


Energy Medicine is also preventive. By recognizing energy disruptions before symptoms appear, the energy problem can be corrected rather than allowed to progress until it erupts into illness.Energy Medicine shows you how to understand and work with your body’s reservoir of electromagnetic and more subtle energies to:

 1. Increase your vitality 

2. Identify and correct energy imbalances that keep you from being at your best

3. Enhance your health and your state of mind

Energy Medicine is truly about how we effectively can be given the tools to empower our-selves and to take control of our own health and freeing our spirits to soar.

For more information about Eden Energy Medicine method see link below.

Spiritual & Energy Medicine Teachers


Living Shaman

Ce Änn


Visionary Guidance

Donna Eden

Donna Eden

Eden Energy Medicine

Eileen Day McKusick

Eileen Day McKusick

Biofield Tuning